Love Rock'ollection: The Brutal Strength Rock Star Trilogy, books 1-3 Page 22
Sara chuckled. “In country music it’s more like trucks, honky tonks, or heartbreak,” she quipped.
“I can certainly relate to that last one,” he said with chagrin. “Why don’t we work with that?”
SAM DROPPED HER coat and messenger bag on the suite’s upholstered living room chair. “Hey,” she said with a sigh.
“Hey, yourself. How was work?” Sara asked, unfolding her legs and looking up from her laptop. She patted the seat cushion next to her on the couch.
Sam flopped down beside her. “Tiring.” She chewed on her lip and gave her sister a tentative sidelong glance. “Sara, listen. I’ve decided to go out with JR and I just wanna know… what’s it gonna take to get you to tone down the rhetoric?”
“I don’t know Sam.” Sara grimaced. “I have a lot of reservations about the guy, but you’re a grownup. It’s your life, not mine.”
“I appreciate that. But it would make me feel better if you’d at least give him a chance.”
Sara rubbed the back of her neck. “Alright, Sam, I’ll try.”
“Great. Listen, I heard that JR and Chris are going to be at Soho Billiards tonight. They’re celebrating with some guys Chris hired to be in his band. Why don’t you and I crash the party?”
Sara smirked. “You already had this all planned out in your mind, didn’t you, Munchkin?”
Sam blushed. “Maybe.” She stood, grabbed her sister’s hand, and pulled. “Come on. Let’s show ‘em how hot Texas girls can be,” she said in a drawl, raising a teasing brow. “I’m sure you want to look nice for Chris.”
Sara followed behind her, muttering indignantly, “Why in the world would I care what he thinks?”
SOHO’S WAS A guy’s kind of place. Nothing fancy or trendy, just basic pub fare, a bartender slinging drinks, and well-maintained pool tables in the back room. Masculine décor predominated: dark burgundy walls with oak wainscot, a colorful mural breaking up the monotony, and well-worn but sturdy furnishings. Smoke free by provincial regulation, no blaring jukebox disturbed the muted sounds of clinking glasses, conversation, and occasional fraternal laughter.
JR smiled to himself as he left Keith to set up for the next game. He hopped up the two steps into the main room and headed to the bar. Despite the acrimonious circumstances surrounding Keith’s departure from Brutal Strength, the two of them had remained close, and now that Keith and his drummer Danny had signed on with Chris Alex, they would be able to hang out more together, and that was cool with him. JR wasn’t so sure how Marcus would take the news, however. He and Keith’s issues were public knowledge.
A blast of cold air drew his attention as the outside door admitted the Daniels sisters. JR did a double take. Damn. He’d never seen her in anything but those prim and proper business suits she wore to work. Noticing similar looks of appreciation from the other guys in the lounge, he suddenly wished he could put her right back in the curve camouflaging attire.
Her face was angelic, but her curves in that red halter top and tight skinny jeans were sinful. Hail Mary, full of grace…Where the hell was her coat? It was five degrees Celsius outside. He pushed away from the bar and strode over to meet her.
Chris intercepted him, blocking his path. “Hey, where’re you going? Keith and Danny are ready for another game. You and I can totally take ‘em, man.”
“Not now.” JR looked pointedly over Chris’ shoulder. He didn’t want to take his eyes off of her for even a second.
Chris swiveled around to see what had caught JR’s attention. “Holy shit!” His eyes widened, although Sam’s presence barely registered. His focus was completely on Sara and a neverending long stretch of tan legs showcased by a jean miniskirt. Her blessedly undersized white peasant blouse revealed an enticing amount of cleavage along with a sliver of bare midriff. Drawn like a moth to an open flame, Chris took an involuntary step in her direction before remembering that sharp tongue of hers.
“Hold on a minute, man.” JR clapped Chris on the shoulder. “I’ll be right back.”
Sam watched JR moving toward her in faded jeans and a vintage Pink Floyd concert t-shirt. Gosh, but the man was fine. His clothing highlighted the corded muscles of his lean build, and his smile was a slash of white underneath his tawny mustache. Like a love struck teen, she wanted to skip toward him and throw herself into his arms.
JR picked her up and swung her around in a circle. She giggled as her favorite red Prada pumps flew off her feet, landing provocatively on the wide planked oak floor. She bent over to slide them back on. JR could not believe how sexy that simple gesture was.
When she stood up he leaned over and whispered softly in her ear, “You look gorgeous.”
Sam blushed. “Thanks.”
JR turned to the tall woman next to Sam and stuck his hand out. “You must be Sara. I’m John Raymond, JR to my friends. It’s good to finally meet you.”
“Yes I know who you are.” Sara shook his hand. “I know all about you.”
JR’s smile tightened. He’d suspected all along that she was the reason behind Sam’s reluctance. Her demeanor tonight confirmed it. Ignoring her seemed to be the best course of action. He took Sam’s hand and tugged gently. “Come over and meet my buddy Keith. He used to be our guitarist before Marcus ran him off. We’ve known each other since we were kids.”
Hand in his, Sam trailed behind JR as they weaved through the crowded bar area. Sara followed behind them, speculative male heads turning to follow her.
Chris fell into step beside Sara, entranced by those sexy long legs and ankle high cowboy boots. So intent was her focus on the couple in front of her that she didn’t seem to notice. Chris touched a finger to Sara’s bare arm. She stopped and turned toward him, crossing her arms over her chest. The pose was obviously meant to be aloof and intimidating, but it pushed her breasts up and even further out of her blouse. His pulse revved up into high gear.
Chris wanted her. So much so that it was actually becoming physically uncomfortable. Shifting his stance, he finally found his voice. “Hey, didn’t know you and Sam were coming by tonight. Want me to get you a beer?”
“It was a last minute decision.” Sara glared at Chris, but that was a mistake. Looking into those milk chocolate eyes of his made her slowly melt. “No on the beer,” she managed, irritated by the fact that he had such an unsettling effect on her. She turned abruptly to follow after Sam.
Sara stepped down into the billiard room, admiring the serious set up. Eight pristine pool tables well lit by low hanging brass chandeliers were lined up in two rows, racks of cues and chalk within easy reach. She spotted JR and Sam talking with two other guys along the far wall. As she came closer, they both turned their heads in her direction.
“Sara.” Sam reached out and put an arm around her sister’s waist, pulling her close. “This is Danny James, just hired as the drummer for Chris’ band, and this is Keith Smith, JR’s good friend and Chris’ new guitarist.”
No woman would fail to notice this one, she thought. Keith met all the bad boy prerequisites, handsome and tall with black shoulder length hair, hazel eyes, and a hawkish nose. However, a present partiality toward brown tousled hair and brown eyes had Sara dismissing him and casting a searching glance back over her shoulder.
Walking back from the bar, beers in hand, Chris’ lips flattened. The sight of his new guitarist holding Sara’s hand annoyed him. Keith grinned at her like an idiot and she returned the smile. Why the hell was she so cozy with that guy when all she gave him was grief?
The bistro style table wobbled as Chris set the bottles on it with too much force. He sat and watched Sara and Keith, absently twisting on the leather cord around his neck. The bastard was flirting with her. Even worse, she looked like she was enjoying it. He started to get a sour feeling in the pit of his stomach. He’d never been a possessive guy, not even with Andrea, and they’d been married almost two years. Hearing Sara laugh at something Keith said, his eyes narrowed. She had his insides all twisted up in knots. He realized to h
is chagrin that he was jealous.
When Keith tried to place his hand on the small of her back, Sara took a step forward out of his reach. She followed that move with a look that said back off.
Better, thought Chris.
“I hear you’ll be singing some lead vocals,” Danny said to Sara. “I like that plan,” his lips curved, “a lot.”
Sara didn’t return Danny’s smarmy smile. Rarely had the man’s gaze risen above her chest level. Unlike Keith, he was nondescript and not at all charming. He made her flesh crawl.
“Why don’t you girls join us for a game of pool?” JR asked. Noticing Chris’ obvious interest in the older sister, he thought he’d help a brother out. “We can split into teams. Twenty bucks a pocket, and the loser picks up the bar tab.”
“Sure,” Sara quickly agreed. “That sounds fun.”
“Great. You can pick one team, Sara. I’ll pick the other.”
“You don’t know what you’re getting into,” Sam said, pulling on JR’s sleeve. “Sara’s really competitive, and she’s pretty good at pool.”
JR raised his eyebrows.
Sara shrugged noncommittally.
“Then it’s probably only fair if I get to choose first.” JR crooked his finger at Samantha.
Sara smiled at his choice. Though she loved her sister, the girl sucked at pool. She looked at her remaining options. Keith winked at her. The guy was obviously a big flirt. She called him over.
Chris frowned.
Then JR tabbed Danny next. Sara sighed. That left Chris with her. At least the major creepster was on the other team.
Chris flashed his lady-killer smile as he walked over. “We’re gonna roast these suckers.” He gave Keith a high five.
“You’re lucky I was still left,” Chris told her in a sultry voice with his lips close to her ear. “I’m really good.”
His warm breath stirred the fine hairs on the back of her neck. An involuntary shiver went down her spine. She swallowed. Yeah I bet you are.
“How are you at pool, baby?” JR asked, grabbing Sam by the waist and pulling her back into his arms.
“Not very good.”
He kissed the top of her head. “No worries,” he whispered so only she could hear. “I don’t care if we win or lose as long as you’re standing here with me like this.”
Keith threw an arm around Sara’s shoulder. “Hey where’s the kiss from our team leader?”
Chris shot her a speculative glance.
“Um, no,” she said, lifting Keith’s arm off her shoulder like it was a vine of poison ivy. “You wish.”
“Hey, it was worth a try,” Keith said with an easy smile.
Good, Chris smirked as he racked up the balls. He wasn’t the only one who got the ice treatment from her.
A COUPLE OF hours and a few pool games later, Sara had a huge smile on her face. “Chris Alex, pretty good?” She laughed, giving him a wide eyed look. “You’re a pool shark.” After years on the road with nothing better to do, she’d gotten pretty good herself, but he was better. It hadn’t even been close. She wondered why JR hadn’t picked him.
“I’d gladly give you a couple of pointers, Sara.” Chris cocked a brow. “Free of charge.”
“In your dreams, old man. You can keep your… pointers to yourself,” she jibed.
Watching them, JR signed the credit card bill for the bar tab. Sara had verbally sparred with Chris throughout the evening. That is, when she hadn’t been openly flirting with Keith, which had clearly bothered Chris. JR felt bad for the guy. He suspected Sara Daniels wasn’t as immune to Chris Alex’s reputed charms as she pretended to be. And since he had a bone to pick with her, anyway, he decided to put his theory to the test.
“Sara, I have a proposition for you.”
“Oh yeah JR? What’s that?”
“I’m willing to bet all the guys here, except for myself,” he smiled and grabbed for Samantha’s hand, “would be willing to put up some good hard cash for a little friendly kiss from the famous Sara Daniels. What do you say?” He looked at Chris, Keith, and then Danny. “Five thousand upfront for each of you for one game of cut throat with the winner getting the kiss and the cash going to whatever charity Sara chooses. I’ll chip in five grand to sweeten the pot, of course.”
Sara rolled her eyes. “You’ve got to be kidding?”
“Ah, come on now, Sara. It’s for charity,” JR urged.
“Yeah, Sara, come on,” Keith cajoled, obviously taking to the idea immediately.
Sara glanced over at Chris.
He gave a slight nod but his expression remained poker face neutral, giving nothing away.
She rubbed the back of her burning neck, feeling everyone watching and waiting to see what she would do. JR was up to something. This she knew, but what he hoped to accomplish she had no clue. There was no way she was going to back down, though. She hated more than anything letting anyone think they were getting the upper hand on her. “Ok JR, I’ll do it.” She gave him a pointed look. “I choose Alcoholics Anonymous for the charity. You’re familiar with them, right?”
JR frowned.
“And I want ten thousand each. I’ll take IOU’s. No hands,” she gave each of the men a level stare, “and no tongue.”
JR whistled between his teeth. “Ten grand’s a lot of money, Sara, especially for someone like Danny who’s just starting out.”
Danny’s blue eyes narrowed to slits. “I’ve been in the business just as long as you have JR. I can handle ten grand.”
“Ok. It’s settled then. Danny, Chris, and me,” Keith declared. “One game of cut throat. Winner takes all.” He pursed his lips at Sara.
The men lined up to determine who got to shoot first. Whoever shot their ball closest to the edge of the pool table without actually touching it would earn that privilege. Danny got the ball really close and smiled. Chris was next. His shot got so close it looked like the ball was touching the velvet lined edge, but JR was able to get a coaster between. Keith was last and his ball stopped well short of the other two.
“Ok. I’ll rack,” Keith said.
When he stepped out of the way, Chris leaned over the table and shot the break. The five ball went directly in the corner pocket. Knowing he wasn’t lows, Chris checked the table for the best high or medium ball available. Spotting a real easy shot with the eleven, he took and made it, calling, “I’m medium.” After that, he tried for the thirteen ball in the center pocket but missed.
He stepped back and leaned on his stick while Keith selected and lined up his first shot. Keith’s shot grazed the seven ball but didn’t knock it in. Chris let out a breath. Keith must have been trying to strategically block him, knowing he was the best player.
Danny smirked as he sized up the table. There were at least three relatively easy shots for him. One after another he sank each of them.
Chris stood in the corner, watching Danny wink at Sara before he took his next shot. Chris couldn’t hide his smile when the drummer missed. Straightening, Chris approached the table and walked around the perimeter with his brow furrowed. The balls were bunched up pretty good. There was really only one shot he could take, and it was a tough one. He took a deep breath and glanced up. Danny was smirking as if he had the game wrapped up. Chris focused back on the shot, taking his time and thinking it through before he leaned back over the table. With a decisive crack, the four ball went straight into the center pocket.
“Whoa. Good shot, man,” Keith acknowledged.
“Thanks,” Chris replied, looking first at Keith and then at Sara. He held her gaze and watched her visibly swallow. Smiling smugly, he chalked his stick and turned back to the table. He was getting that kiss. In short order, he then proceeded to hole every remaining shot like he was in some kind of zone. Danny never even got a chance back at the table.
“Way to clean up, dude,” JR told Chris.
Sara took Danny and Keith’s handwritten IOU’s, folding the pieces of paper into tiny squares and tucking them into her pocket
before looking up. Chris casually leaned back against the pool table while he stared intently at her, eyes gleaming, a hungry lion ready to pounce. She gulped, her heart beating wildly knowing she was the prey. She might not be able to handle him quite as easily as she’d previously thought.
Tossing her hair over her shoulder, Sara crossed over to him, stopping when her cowboy boots touched the tip of his steel toed boots. Gaze tangled with his, she felt him slowly slide his IOU into her pocket. She licked her dry lips.
Chris’ entire body thrummed with anticipation as Sara leaned in, her lush curves almost touching him. She smelled like spring water scented bath gel and the heat of her arced across the limited space between them, inflaming his senses. He had to grip the edge of the table to keep from touching her. When he felt her hands skim against the sides of his waist, his breath caught. She didn’t embrace him, though, instead, she slid her hands down into the back pockets of his jeans. Palming his ass, she drew him closer. Holy shit. Suddenly there was no more space between them at all, just her softness and his…hardness.
Sara stilled, every nerve ending exploded with heat. The taut outline of Chris’ backside in her hands felt divine. She could feel every tantalizing inch of him. Watching him watch her was a huge turn on. Her heart thundered so loudly surely Chris could hear as well as feel it. She took in a ragged breath of spice scented air and imagined tasting his hot cinnamon laced tongue in her mouth. Her pulse ratcheted up in response to her thoughts. Chris’ gaze lowered to her lips, and his brown eyes took on a sultry hue. Crap, I’d better make this quick before I end up making a total fool of myself.
As soon as her lips touched his, her plan for a short brief kiss flew out the window. He slanted his head and moved his mouth in a way that left no doubt to who was really in charge. The guy could teach an advanced course in the art of kissing. His lips were warm and smooth against hers, hypnotic and seductive. She parted her lips, swallowing the deep moan that echoed her own. She wanted to surrender to her passion and let him do whatever he willed.