Love Rock'ollection: The Brutal Strength Rock Star Trilogy, books 1-3 Page 21
“Sure. That’s fine.”
“Good.” He gave her a thin smile and left.
Sara was glad that was settled. A professional relationship was all that she wanted from him.
SAM SHAMBLED WEARILY into work, feeling as lifeless as a zombie. Things around her were amping up with the day for the official launch of the Love Evolution tour rapidly approaching. She’d barely gotten four hours of sleep last night. Beth had kept her at work late and then called her several times at home with additional things that just couldn’t wait until morning.
This early in the morning the executive floor was blissfully quiet. Running through a mental ‘to do’ list, Sam opened the lid to her coffee and breathed in the delicious aroma. She nearly jumped out of her skin when she felt a warm hand on her shoulder.
“Hey.” JR smiled tightly. “How’s it going?”
Sam sighed inwardly before she turned. He’d been nothing if not persistent in his pursuit. He’d sent flowers, then chocolates to her office. He’d even put a six pack of yogurt in the break room fridge with a note attached.
Today, his blond bangs were gel free, and the silky strands slid forward, brushing against his high cheek bones. He wore a dark evergreen polo with graphic lettering over a grey thermal layer and had on dark jeans. She hoped it wasn’t blatantly obvious how fabulously attractive she found him.
She had to quash an urge to peek at his backside. It was becoming harder and harder to tell him no. It’s for your own good, she repeated to herself for the umpteenth time. “Good JR. I’m good. Is there something in particular I can help you with?”
He hesitated, drumming his fingers on his jean pockets. “No, not really. I just wanted to see if you’d changed your mind about going out.”
“No. I haven’t changed my mind.”
He gave a resigned shrug.
Why did she let his wounded expression get to her? It shouldn’t matter at all. She was just his featured flavor of the week. She’d be a fool to think he had any real feelings for her. Yet, she found herself trying to soften the blow. “Sorry to be so short. I didn’t get much sleep last night.”
“No worries,” he said grimly.
She noticed his jaw clench before he turned away.
“See you around, Sam.”
“HOW ARE THINGS going between you and Ryan?” Sam asked her sister over lunch at Rain City Grill, a popular upscale café on the water’s edge of English Bay just outside Stanley Park.
“They’re not. We were over and done with weeks ago.” She shrugged.
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be,” she replied, brushing the breadcrumbs off the white table cloth with beautifully manicured hands. “It was amusing while it lasted, that’s all, nothing more.” She hadn’t even offered Ryan a reason for the breakup, but had ended the month long relationship when the nightmares returned. Her father being up for parole again had exacted a mental toll on her. She kept it to herself, though. Sam didn’t know about any of it. Unless his parole was approved, she didn’t plan to mention it.
Studying Sara over the crystal rim of her glass, Sam took note of the pinched look around her eyes. Someone who didn’t know her as well might have missed it. Since the debacle with Matthew, short shallow relationships had become more of the norm for her sister. “Sara,” she said lowering her voice, “When are you going to give a guy more than a passing chance with you?”
“I’m not.” Sara snorted. “Binge and purge. That’s my motto.”
“Come on.” Sam pursed her lips. “I’m serious.”
“You know me,” Sara said with a forced smile. “I’m not interested in the enduring relationship status.” She shrugged again. “I always let them know where I stand up front. I never lead anyone on.” Eyebrows knitting together, she whispered, “I’m not like Momma.”
“No, of course you’re not,” Sam said, squeezing Sara’s hand.
Sara leaned back and took another sip from her water. She waved off the uniformed waiter hovering to refill her glass. “I’m good thanks,” she told him. Turning back to her sister, she said, “Enough of the heavy, ok?
“Fine.” Sam nodded.
“You look tired. How early did you leave for work this morning?”
“Damn, Sam. I didn’t realize Beth was such a slave driver. I thought she was the nice one.”
“She is nice, and she’s not a slave driver.” Sam’s voice rose as she rushed headlong to defend her boss. “She’s just a perfectionist and wants to make sure every detail has been checked and rechecked before Brutal Strength goes on tour. Attention to detail like that is why she has such a stellar reputation.”
“Hey, no disrespect intended. I just don’t like to see you looking so worn out.” Reaching across the table, she tucked one of her sister’s curls behind her ear before asking, “Is JR still sniffing around?”
Sam nodded, focusing on straightening the black napkin in her lap.
“Why do you look so guilty? He’s the one who won’t give it a rest.” She shook her head. “I’ve known lots of guys like him. It’s a game, thrill of the chase kinda crap.”
“I know that’s what you think, but… the sad expression on his face.” Sam gave a resigned sigh.
Before Sara could respond the waiter arrived, placing delectable salmon salads in front of them. When he left the table she tapped a finger to her lips. “JR has been way more persistent than I would have thought, but BS is going on the road soon, aren’t they?”
Sam nodded, taking a bite of the lightly seasoned fish. She was starving and glad to get something more substantial than her usual yogurt. At that thought, an image of JR flooded her mind. Her appetite evaporated. She continued chewing, but the salmon might as well have been cardboard now.
“That’s a relief, I bet.” Sara lifted her glass. “Here’s to JR being out of your hair soon.”
Gazing disinterestedly at the salad, Sam bit her lip, wondering why that idea left her with a hollow, empty feeling inside.
SAM STRETCHED HER arms over her head, trying to work the kinks out of her back, and yawned. She slipped her shoes off. She had been in her office working at this for hours. Outside her window it was dark and the usually busy city sidewalk was nearly deserted. Glancing back at the computer screen, she scowled and raised her fist at the Rickshaw seating chart. Stupid, uncooperative thing. Where had she made her mistake? “Shoot! Shoot! Shoot!” She dropped her head down onto the frosted tempered glass surface of her modern L-shaped desk and pounded it several times.
A light knock brought her bout of self–flagellation to an end. She looked up to see JR casually leaning against the doorframe. As their eyes met, he straightened and held up a couple of white takeout bags in one hand and a cardboard drink carrier in the other. The mouth- watering aroma drifted across the room.
“Someone told me you were pulling another late nighter. I thought you might be hungry.”
Her stomach growled right on cue. She smiled sheepishly. “Apparently. What have you got in there? It smells delicious.”
He handed her one of the bags and settled his long frame in one of the leather office chairs facing her desk. Tonight he had on a black long sleeve shirt with the buttons open just enough at the collar to reveal a hint of a white undershirt underneath. Both layers were tucked smoothly into a pair of fashionably distressed jeans held up around his narrow hips by a black canvas belt. The man was definitely metro. Pulling her gaze away from the distracting view, she went about the business of opening up the fast food sack. Her stomach grumbled again as she pulled out a hamburger and fries from the Red Onion.
“Thank you, JR.” Lips lifting slightly, she peered shyly at him from underneath her long eyelashes. She was trying real hard not to let on how very touched she was by his thoughtfulness. It certainly didn’t gel with the image her sister had of him. “About earlier today, I…”
“No worries.” He pulled out his own burger, peeled back the crinkly paper, and took a huge
She hesitated, shrugged, and then started in on her own food.
“It doesn’t count as a date if we just sit here and eat together at work, does it?” He gave her a sly smile.
She stopped chewing and stared at him. His playful attitude surprised her, after what she had put him through the last few days, and she couldn’t help but be amused by his creative work around. She shook her head.
He responded by winking at her.
Unable to hold it in, her face broke into a huge smile and laughter spilled freely from her lips. She couldn’t figure this guy out and was done trying. The tug of war between her hormones and her head was officially over. She was giving in.
A last tiny bubble of concern floated to the surface of her thoughts warning her that she might get hurt, but she decisively stuck a pin in it. She found herself extremely attracted to JR and wanted very much to see where this thing between the two of them might lead. She was all in. Feeling lighthearted for the first time all week, she relaxed back in her chair and took a sip of her soda. The carbonated beverage tickled her nose.
Green eyes fixed on her, JR watched her for a moment, noticing the precise moment when the tension drained from her shoulders. A smile flickered across his face before he leaned back and took a sip of his drink as well. They gobbled up the rest of their greasy fast food feast in companionable silence.
“Why are you working so late?” he asked as they finished.
“I was making out the seating chart for your concert at the Rickshaw. There’s limited seating and Beth says it’s very important who sits by whom.”
“You’ve been at it since you came back from lunch.” She cocked her head at him. Uh oh. Now she knew how closely he’d been keeping tabs on her. He swallowed nervously, his brain screaming for him to redirect. “How’s that going?”
“Good, except I somehow missed giving Carter Besille a seat. And I can’t remember where I was supposed to put him.”
JR stood and came around to her side of the desk. After a brief glance at her legs, he smiled and knelt down beside her to look at the club layout displayed on the computer screen.
Sam’s heart beat furiously in her chest. She couldn’t help but study him with a sidelong glance. She was a sucker for boyishly handsome and JR had that going for him for real.
Unexpectedly, he turned his head to face her.
Sam stared at his lips, merely inches apart from hers. Involuntarily, she leaned forward before noticing something that made her stop. Her lips curved up. Turning, she rifled through the takeout bag on the desk. Retrieving a napkin, she swiveled back to face him. “You have some mustard on your beard. “Here.” She reached out and dabbed at his face, the napkin making a scraping sound against the bristle.
JR held his breath, eyes intent on hers as she touched him. Holy crap, the girl was hot! He’d have covered his entire face in condiments if he would’ve known it would get her this close.
Her task completed, Sam’s gaze rose to meet his.
For a couple of heartbeats neither said a word. The air in the room crackled with energy. Mesmerized by those grey eyes that sparkled like moonlight on the surface of the ocean, a wave of desire built up and then crashed over him.
Sam really wanted JR to kiss her. In fact she couldn’t ever remember wanting anything more. Closing her eyes, she leaned closer feeling the warmth of his breath fan across her lips. She tilted her face back in anticipation. When nothing happened she opened her eyes. JR was staring at her, eyes dark and intense.
JR had never wanted to kiss a woman more in his entire life, but didn’t trust himself to stop there. Sam wasn’t like any other woman he’d ever known. He didn’t want to scare her off, so he settled for gently tucking one of her silky chestnut curls behind her ear.
Sam shivered as his fingertips lingered and grazed the skin behind her ear. In a dazed whisper, she managed to joke, “Do I have ketchup in my hair?”
“No. Sorry,” he said voice husky, “but I’ve wanted to do that since the day I first met you.”
She glanced down self- consciously, cheeks blooming with color, and twisted the napkin nervously in her hands. The level of intensity between the two of them frightened her, so much so that she started to second guess her decision. And he hadn’t even kissed her yet.
“Beautiful,” he whispered in a low voice, continuing to stare at her unabashedly.
“What’d you say?”
JR cleared his throat. “I said are you full?”
“What? Oh, yeah. Thanks for the dinner. You’re a lifesaver.”
“No problem. My pleasure.”
The husky tone to his voice had her staring at his lips again.
He pointed at a spot on the seating chart. “Hey, why don’t you put Besille…here?”
Reluctantly dragging her gaze away from the object of her desire, she mused, Facial hair should be against the law…especially on him. It too temptingly highlighted and framed those kissable lips. Brow creasing, she focused back on the screen. She squinted at where he pointed and shook her head. “No, that won’t work. That seat is for you… for your guest.”
Tipping her chin back between a curled thumb and finger, JR told her, “If I was going to invite anyone, Samantha, it would be you. And you’re already going to be there.”
He stood then, tall, lean frame towering over her. “Is that all you had left to do?”
“Yeah. Thanks again for dinner.” She slipped on her shoes, gathered up the takeout detritus and tossed it in the trashcan. Opening her desk drawer, she pulled out her purse. JR hadn’t moved. She glanced up at him.
He gave her a worried look. “How are you getting home?”
“Well, I usually take the bus, but…” she frowned at her watch. “I’ll probably take a cab.”
“No. No way. Not this late. I’ll take you home, Samantha.”
“Sam,” she corrected automatically.
“Sam,” he said in that husky voice again that sent shivers down her spine.
He smiled. “Where are you staying?” he asked as they moved down the quiet, darkened hallway. When he put his warm hand on the small of her back, she didn’t object.
“WHAT’S THE DEAL between the two of you?” Sara demanded with her hands on her narrow hips. A couple cast wary glances as they sidestepped around the sisters facing off in Black Cat’s long downstairs hallway.
“What do you mean?”
“Don’t play coy with me, Samantha Anne.” Sara’s voice rose in volume. “He’s been picking you up and taking you to work. I thought we agreed going out with JR was a bad idea.”
“No. You said it was a bad idea, and at the time I didn’t disagree. Anyway, technically we’re not going out,” Sam hedged, shifting her weight from foot to foot under her sister’s accusing glare.
“I think you’re wrong about him,” Sam whispered, lifting her chin.
“He’s a player.” Sara had seen the two of them eating lunch in the busy break room earlier today. JR’s arm had been across the back of her sister’s chair, and Samantha had been laughing. They’d looked real comfortable together, chairs close enough for their knees to be touching. If they weren’t technically dating yet, it was only a matter of time.
“I just don’t want to see you get hurt,” Sara’s tone softened and she tugged gently on one of Sam’s curls.
Chris had stopped in the hall before rounding the corner, hearing most of the animated conversation. As he emerged from his eavesdropping vantage point, he was confronted with two sets of identical questioning eyes. He wasn’t sure why it hadn’t dawned on him before now that the congenial intern and the prickly diva were sisters.
Sam pulled Sara in for a quick hug. “I’ve gotta go. Don’t worry so much. I promise to be careful.” Then speaking louder for Chris’ benefit, she wagged her finger. “Play nice, Sara.” Moving past her sister, she patted Chris on the shoulder. “Always nice to se
e you.”
“Likewise,” Chris replied automatically before turning to Sara. “Your sister, huh?”
“Yeah.” Sara’s posture noticeably stiffened.
“She’s a sweet kid. I’ve worked a little bit with her this past month. Smart, too.”
Sara smiled. Playing nice might be easier than she’d previously thought. She was a sucker for compliments about Sam. It didn’t hurt that the man wasn’t hard on the eyes, either. His sexy ass jeans hugged his lower body in all the right places and his grey t-shirt stretched tightly across his thickly muscled chest.
Chris thought the seductive smile on Sara’s face ought to be illegal, or at least come with a written disclaimer. It made her grey eyes twinkle and softened her expression, bringing her beauty up to another level of irresistible.
“So, I listened to what you’ve got so far on the album.” She arched a brow. “It’s good… really good. Reminds me a little of Mellencamp or Mumford & Sons. A lot of potential for crossover. Once our song’s released, I’m sure it’ll bring in some of my country fans for you.”
“That’d be great,” he said, following her into the recording room. Maybe she wasn’t such a dragon lady after all. Her next words confirmed it.
“Mary might know what she’s doing, after all, huh?”
He nodded and pulled out his guitar. “You got any ideas for us?”
Sara gave him a quizzical look and shrugged, a subtle movement that caused the front of her purple shirt to shift across her breasts.
Staring at the enticing view, Chris lost his train of thought for a moment. “I mean for a song,” he clarified, licking suddenly dry lips. “When in doubt I always choose one of the big three. Which will it be: Sex, drugs, or rock ‘n roll?”