(Complete Rock Stars, Surf and Second Chances #1-5) Read online

Page 7

  Chapter Fourteen

  * * *


  I sat in my booth headphones over my ears listening to Rihanna’s new CD and trying to project calm as I waited for my father’s inevitable lecture. I’d lucked out when I was able to sneak into the house after the beach. My mother had been passed out cold on the living room sofa, an empty bottle of wine on the end table beside her, and when I’d tiptoed upstairs past my parent’s bedroom it had been empty.

  My dad hadn’t come home at all last night as far as I could tell. Apparently things had gotten even worse between them after I left for college.

  I took another sip of my sparkling water as a blur of movement outside the restaurant window caught my attention. I turned in time to see Lincoln enter through the main door. Dinner was in full swing, the white tablecloths draped over tables, roses in vases, candles flickering and the patrons dressed in their usual finery. Heads turned and censuring stares ensued as Lincoln waited in front of the hostess stand sandy hair windblown, wearing the same casual clothes he’d had on at the beach.

  I couldn’t figure out why he kept hanging around. Didn’t Ava the hostess on duty tell him Kit wasn’t working tonight?

  Chin lifted, Lincoln’s defiant stance said ‘fuck you if you don’t think I belong here’, an attitude I definitely admired but could never pull off myself. The only sign that he was affected by the stares was the slight tick in his cheek from his clenched jaw and for some reason that hint of vulnerability drew me in more than his obvious attributes.

  Without consciously meaning to, I got up and was on my way to intervene when I brushed into one of our bow tied waiters. After murmuring an apology to him, I found that Ava had met me halfway.

  “That guy’s asking for you.” Ava tipped her chin toward Lincoln. “He’s really cute.” Her eyes twinkled with interest.

  “Ok, thanks.” I replied.

  He was here for me and not Kit. Why? I wondered.

  That knowledge made me feel flustered and my voice was a little breathless when I reached him. “Hey,” I greeted Lincoln while passing on a grateful smile to the patron who scooted around us tying up Ava’s attention. Lincoln’s light blue eyes latched onto me as if I were a life preserver in an uncharted sea. “Ava said you were looking for me?” My tone indicated my surprise and my heart thudded against my ribs as I waited for him to reveal his purpose for being here. Plus now I could feel all those stares on me, too. I hoped my father remained in the kitchen.

  “Who else?” His dismissive gaze swept the room. “Don’t see anyone but you.”

  I smiled wider than I should have at his interest. His gaze dipped to my mouth briefly before returning to my eyes, his glittering dangerously as if my smile had pleased him. His warm fingers curled around my elbow and he leaned in close.

  “Come outside and talk to me a minute.” His voice was deep and tempting. “I want to ask you something.” The warmth of his breath tickled against my skin making me shiver.

  “I can’t.” I shook my head wondering why my denial made him look so angry. “My dad’s in the kitchen.” I nervously twirled a lock of my hair. “I’m in trouble with him already and I don’t want more. He specifically told me to stay here and wait for him.” I pleaded with my eyes for him to understand. Even though I had just met him I didn’t want him to think that my obedience to my father was a weakness. Sometimes being strong meant doing what you had to do instead of what you wanted.

  “I don’t really get it,” he drew out his words and that strong jaw of his tensed again. “It’s not like I’m asking you to run away with me. I just want a moment with you alone.”

  “Ok,” I agreed ignoring the loud bell of caution clanging in my ears and Lincoln’s widening eyes because I was too caught up in the idea that I could be a girl who didn’t always have to fall in line with her father’s wishes.

  “Simone, what’s going on here?” His familiar booming voice stopped me cold.

  I spun around taking in my father’s red mottled face and his flashing dark eyes. My gaze immediately dropped to the black and white hexagon tiles. One glance had told me what I needed to know. Time to deflect, appease and escape.

  “Nothing’s going on, Daddy,’ I said softly but distinctly. He didn’t like it when I mumbled. “Nothing at all. I was just…” I faltered for a believable explanation.

  “I came by to apply for a job, Sir.” That was news to me, but if that were really the case why had he wanted to talk to me alone? Was this just a ploy to cover for me to keep me out of trouble with my dad? He had gotten worse over the years and I bore the brunt of most of his displeasure. No one stuck their neck out for me with him anymore. Not even my mother. “Simone was just…”

  “Miss Bianchi,” my father cut him off. “My daughter is Miss Bianchi to you. Mr…”

  “Savage. Lincoln Savage.” My chest was tight with anxiety but my heart went a little fluttery hearing his full name for the first time.

  “Mr. Savage. You happen to be in luck. A position just opened up. I need a busser and a washer. Do you have any experience?”

  “Yes, actually. Not here in OB, but in San Diego I worked at an In-N-Out Burger two summers in a row.”

  “Fine. Follow me to the kitchen. Edgar will show you where everything is and we’ll see how you do this evening before I make a final determination.”

  “The pier,” Lincoln whispered low as he passed by me giving me a quick purposeful look I couldn’t begin to decipher. “I want to see you again. Come to the pier tomorrow.”

  • • •


  I washed dishes, cleared tables and I listened. What I suspected from witnessing that one brief encounter between Simone and her father was almost immediately confirmed. It wasn’t just his daughter who feared Alberto Bianchi’s wrath, it was the entire staff.

  The man ran the restaurant like a prisoner of war camp. Cooks, servers, busboys, bartenders. They all jumped at a word from him and kept their eyes to the ground when being reprimanded like Simone had done. With a different upbringing I might not have picked up on what was going on so fast but my old man was a sorry ass drunk with a heavy hand. I recognized a tyrant when I saw one.

  Simone was employing deflecting techniques where she sat in the booth with him right at the moment. Her head bowed to his authority as he gesticulated, her pretty hair formed a shimmery curtain for her to hide behind. Sweet, beautiful and in obvious need of a champion. Gut churning I took more time than was necessary to clean table thirteen so I could keep an eye on her.

  “Don’t worry about Simone,” a soft feminine voice said low.

  Startled I nearly dropped a wine glass as I spun around to see who had spoken to me. A beautiful middle aged woman with eyes so heavily lidded I could barely see their honey color, lifted a half full tumbler of something to her berry stained lips and polished it off before continuing. “She has her plan.” She slurred a little too loudly and slapped a manicured hand on the bar for a refill. “Three years. When she has her degree she can be free of him. Of us. May the Blessed Virgin Mary grant that it would be so.” She clumsily twirled a tendril of dark brown hair around her finger. That was when I made the connection. This was Simone’s mother.

  I thought it best not to acknowledge any of what she had revealed or that I’d been watching Simone in the first place. I knew from experience that drunks were not good at keeping secrets. I slid my bucket of dirty dishes from the booth and headed back to the kitchen.

  Chapter Fifteen

  * * *


  My eyes were a little puffy but they were dry now. I had silently cried alone in my room with the door locked after having been reprimanded and having my phone confiscated. Letting my dad know he’d gotten to me was never a good thing. I’d learned from a pretty young age that he seemed to derive a warped degree of satisfaction from upsetting people, my mother and me in particular.

  Not wanting to waste my time on the beach being sad about things I couldn’t
change, I tipped my face to the warmth of the rising sun and filled my lungs with the fresh ocean air. It was later in the morning than I had planned to come but erring on the side of caution I had waited until my dad had left the house.

  When I refocused my sunglass shaded gaze back on the ocean, I saw Lincoln enter the water beside the pier confidently wading through it up to his waist with another surfer beside him. Even with his full wet suit on and his sandy hair covered I recognized him. His handsome profile. The confident efficient way he moved. I had certainly watched him enough last night as he bussed tables before I’d gone home and retreated to the sanctuary of my room.

  I don’t think he noticed me. I was sitting in front of the rocks behind the lifeguard stand. I was a full fifty yards away from him and the pier but close enough to see him flash a carefree smile at the guy next to him before they both hopped on their boards and paddled out.

  The cry of the gulls, the roar of the crashing waves and the occasional voices of the early rising surfers soothed me, though they were too far away for me to actually make out what they were saying.

  Eyes fastened on Lincoln, I watched him bobbing on the flats, watching the set pattern and waiting for the perfect wave. So much of surfing seemed to be patience and timing. Sleepy in the sun I leaned back. Using one of the rocks as a pillow, I rested my eyes, dozing off.

  Suddenly appreciative hoots and hollers snapped me from my slumber. I turned my head and focused my gaze where I’d last seen Lincoln. He wasn’t sitting on his board anymore. He was up in a regular left foot forward crouch, arms out for balance using his hips and knees to turn as he shredded a sweet wave. I watched him harness its power taking it all the way in and dry docking it before popping off his board. Steadying the board he placed his other hand over his eyes to shield them from the sun as he nonchalantly scanned the shore.

  I knew who he was looking for and I felt it, the moment he found me. He went completely still and so did I, the force of his captivating personality palpable across the space separating us.

  He smiled and waved. I smiled back wishing I was closer so I could have a better view of the dimple that I knew had appeared. He tucked his striped board under his arm and waded out. I stood and moved to meet him. He unlatched the Velcro fastener from around his ankle. It had a cord that tethered him to his board and was his lifeline while in the surf. He set the surfboard down on the sand, unzipped and peeled off the top of his wet suit shaking out his hair and revealing a toned muscular torso that made my heart stumble for a couple of beats. Even through my shades I felt the weight of his perusal.

  “Hey,” I said lifting my sunglasses up on top of my head when he got close. I tried not to blush as his gaze ran the entire length of me head to bare feet. “You looked good on that wave.”

  “Yeah?” His lids lowered and so did his voice. “I was just showing off for you.”

  Had he seen me there all along?

  “You’re the one who looks good.” He looked me over carefully almost as if checking for bruises before smiling slowly seeming to appreciate the simple white cotton blouse with the cap sleeves and the khaki shorts that I wore, as well as the way I filled them out. “Although…” He trailed off and took a step closer. So close I could feel the contrasts between the cold of his lower body in the wet suit and the warmth of his naked chest. “You’ve got a little drool left over from your nap.” My cheeks flamed as he stroked the pad of his thumb across the lower corner of my mouth. The motion of his thumb parted my lips and my heart started beating so fast I was afraid I was going to go into cardiac arrest. My entire body woke up and took notice the instant he had touched me. I desperately wanted him to kiss me.

  “Did you get it all?” I whispered even though no one was around to hear me. My eyes locked on his.

  He held my gaze while his thumb traced the line of my jaw and softly skimmed the shell of my ear. A shiver rolled through me. I swayed toward him. “Yeah.” His voice was even deeper than before.

  I blinked up at him. I couldn’t even remember what we had been talking about. I felt hot, feverish and tingly all over as he stared at my lips, his eyes darkening. He leaned in, his hands curling around my upper arms and gathered me closer. I held my breath as his head lowered and his mouth came closer to mine.

  “Hey, Linc!” A male voice shouted.

  Startled, I sucked in a sharp breath and stepped back while Lincoln turned looking irritated about the interruption.

  A plethora of appreciative whistles accompanying their approach, three surfers strode toward us walking together in a row, their wet suits half unzipped to reveal bodies almost as ripped as Lincoln’s. Their forms cast shadows in the sand as they raked their curious yet wary gazes over me as if they were Lincoln’s posse and I might pose some sort of threat to him.

  Maybe it was time to lay off watching the old black and white westerns my father favored.

  The tall, dark and tatted one broke off from the others and gave me a long leering look. “Well, well, well. Look who Linc’s got on the line now.” He was Hispanic with eyes so dark they were nearly black and he spoke with a slight accent. “Simone Bianchi, I haven’t seen you since high school.” Grinning he leaned toward me and I side stepped closer to Lincoln. “She smells as good as she looks, like flowers or something muy delicioso. Pretty high toned company for you, eh amigo?” he said to Lincoln before his gaze shifted to me. “But if you’re lowering your expectations, Simone, I’d be happy to accommodate you.”

  “Back off, Ramon,” Lincoln growled. “She’s not the type of girl to be interested in your shit.”

  The silver blond blue eyed surfer next to Ramon was silent but his speculative gaze was active swinging back and forth between Lincoln and Ramon.

  “Aren’t you gonna introduce us?” The dark haired surfer with the short haircut and the light green eyes asked Lincoln while his gaze remained on me. Without waiting for Lincoln to decide, he offered me his hand and I took it liking him and his wide friendly smile right away. “Dominic Campo. I’ve seen you around town. Your family owns Napoli’s Seaside. Right?”

  I nodded.

  “Dominic’s his given name but we call him Patch.” Lincoln threw his arm across my shoulders and pulled me closer. Almost as if he wanted to give his friends the impression that we were a couple.

  “Why?” I asked.

  “Because dude’s always tinkering and fixing things,” Ramon explained.

  “I’m Ashland Keys.” The platinum haired blond finally spoke up, his gaze narrowing slightly seeming to be stuck on the spot where Lincoln and I were connected. He didn’t seem too happy about it.

  “Simone. It’s nice to meet you,” I said softly feeling a little uncertain. I didn’t understand why he seemed displeased with me and had just belatedly realized that he was the surfer Lincoln had been with earlier.

  “Ash is my cousin but he’s more like a brother,” Lincoln said. “His mom and mine were adopted sisters.”

  “Were?” I queried before stopping to consider that we might have stumbled into a painful subject. I covered my mouth while mumbling an apology.

  “It’s ok, babe.” Lincoln’s arm tightened around me before I could even think about pulling away. “My mom died before I could remember. Ash’s mom, my Aunt Maggie, is the only mom I’ve ever really known. She’s great. I’d love for you to meet her.”

  Ash frowned. He didn’t seem to like that idea.

  “Your aunt and uncle are coming to see our show tonight.” The wind ruffled the short layers of Dominic’s inky hair as he spoke. “Why don’t you come and bring Simone with you?”

  “Oh, no. That’s ok.” I was smiling as I worked out my refusal because Dominic was being so friendly. “I’m sure Lincoln has other plans and I have to work.”

  “Lincoln.” Ramon snickered. “It’s so damn cute how formal you are with him.”

  I flinched. The sarcasm in his tone wasn’t complimentary.

  “Everyone calls him Linc,” Dominic explained.
r />   Embarrassed I nodded but dropped my gaze digging my pink frosted tipped toes into the sand.

  “I think it’s an excellent idea. What do you say, Simone?” Lincoln asked and I lifted my eyes to look at him. The way the breeze combed through the thick layers of his sun streaked hair was distracting. I wished I could do it with my fingers instead.

  “I don’t know.” I shrugged.

  “I wish you would. They don’t go on until ten. Napoli’s closes at nine thirty. That’s enough time for both of us to finish work and walk over together.”

  “Alright,” I agreed after only a token moment of hesitation. I wanted to do it. I would worry about the risks later. “I’d love to go. Thanks for inviting me.” It would be a little tricky figuring out a way to hide where I was going and who I was going with from my dad but it wouldn’t be impossible.

  Lincoln made me feel so many things I’d never felt before with another guy. It was worth any risk to find out what might happen between us if his friends weren’t there.

  Chapter Sixteen

  * * *


  Cautious and making sure no one was shadowing me, I turned the corner to the shallow back hallway where all the dry goods for Napoli’s were stored and where I’d seen Simone going a moment earlier. After another night of watching her from the periphery, this time while she played hostess smiling warmly, listening attentively and gliding gracefully to each table to make the diners feel welcome, I was near crazy with the desire to touch her again, to put my lips to hers the way I had almost done there on the beach.

  Hearing her father’s raised voice put an immediate cabash on that plan and all the other heated fantasies I’d indulged in over the evening. That long slit in her skirt had given me all sorts of ideas.

  I hadn’t seen him all evening but he was definitely here now and laying into her. From my position behind a stack of boxes I could clearly see them. She had her back to the wall and he was looming over her. My gut churned and my hands curled into impotent fists.