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(Complete Rock Stars, Surf and Second Chances #1-5) Page 14

  “I feel exactly the same,” I whispered as if we were sharing some deep dark secret. I sifted my fingers through the damp strands of his hair marveling at the contrasting colors of sandy brown, platinum and gold as well as feeling a little frightened by the intensity of emotion that just seemed to keep growing stronger and stronger between us.

  He lifted his head twisting his trim waist as he reached for the rest of the things in my bag. “Let’s get you covered quickly before I lose it.” His gaze was darkly possessive, the message sent that even though I was standing over him he was still the one in control.

  My slightly wrinkled cotton blouse was hastily buttoned. I let out a long shaky breath that I’d been holding as he stood still gloriously naked and still fully aroused as he ordered me to step into the skirt he held open for me. I did and he gently turned me around tucking in the hem of the blouse leaving shimmery trails in his wake wherever his fingers touched my skin. The heat between my legs still smoldered. I still ached for him. I was so temped to throw caution to the wind, to strip to my bare skin again and beg him to take me and make me his.

  The words were on the tip of my tongue when he drew up the zipper and stood, his hands spanning my waist, his hard body pressed against the back of mine so tightly that I could feel the hot insistent thick length of him and answering desire pooled just as hot within me.

  “Please, Linc.” I reached back for him digging my fingers into his taut ass, pulling him more fully into me and turning to look at him over my shoulder.

  “Soon, Mona,” he promised his clear blue gaze seeming to penetrate to my soul. “Very soon.”

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  * * *


  My calves burned as we power walked past the one and two story houses with well-tended lawns like Ash’s until they gave way to commercial establishments the closer we got to Napoli’s. Ash had been mostly silent since we had left his place. I had been, too. Linc and I had made plans to meet up on the beach again the next day but that was over fourteen hours away. The ache in my chest since he kissed me goodbye just wouldn’t go away. The way he made me feel. The unexpected happiness he brought into my life. The group of friends I suddenly found myself a part of. It was all so seductive but unstable like the towering red and orange sandstone cliffs along the Point Loma peninsula that crumbled when too much pressure was put on them from above.

  When we came to the intersection Ash grasped me by the elbow and escorted me across. I glanced at him discovering that his brow was still furrowed, his serious expression unchanged since leaving his house.

  “What did Linc say to you before we left?” I asked.

  “He told me to keep an eye on you for him.” The crease in his brow deepened.

  I frowned. “I can take care of myself.”

  “I bet you can.” Ash’s expression softened as he studied me. “But you shouldn’t have to with your own father.”

  Jaw tightening, I glanced away. Suddenly I was even more reluctant to step inside Napoli’s. I stopped beneath the awning at the back door, the shadow that fell over me matching my darkening thoughts.

  “Hey.” Ash touched my arm. “Don’t be mad at Linc. He’s just worried about you. He’s very sensitive to your situation given his own past.”

  I nodded. A small frisson of doubt made my stomach knot. Surely the way Linc felt about me was motivated by more than just a desire to rescue me.

  “You’re very important to him, Simone.”

  I cocked my head to the side studying Ash the way he had a moment earlier. “You don’t seem very happy about that.”

  “No.” His lips flattened. “I guess I’m not.” He ran his hand through his straight platinum strands and sighed heavily. “I’m afraid the two of you are destined for disaster.”

  Hurt by his words immediate hot tears stung the back of my eyes.

  “It’s not that I don’t like you, Simone.” His tone softened. “In fact I’ve grown very fond of you.” He reached toward me gently tucking a stray strand of hair behind my ear. Instead of his kind words making me feel better they made me feel worse, his ominous prediction echoing my own unsettled thoughts. And just like Linc I was oversensitive about people feeling sorry for me.

  “Maybe you’re wrong.” I stuck my chin up. “Maybe it’ll work out great between us. Maybe we’ll surprise you.”

  “Maybe,” he allowed. “Only Simone.” The somberness in his tone stopped me before I opened the door to go inside. I turned to look back at him. He was frowning again. “Linc’s life has been tough. Tougher than he’s probably let on. Lucky he got out of Logan Heights at all. You know surfing is his outlet. Like therapy. It’s not an optional thing.”

  “I understand.” Feeling defensive my fingers curled into my palms. “I would never do anything to jeopardize that for him.” I couldn’t believe Ash thought I would.

  “Good.” He nodded curtly. “I don’t really think he would let you or anyone else come between him and his surfing anyway. Surfing is his true love, Simone. I’m not sure he has room for another.”

  I stumbled as I entered the building and his words sank in. My initial impression of Ash was right. He didn’t want us together. He was just as protective of Linc as Linc was of me. But what Ash failed to realize was that we were really on the same team. We both loved Linc and wanted what was best for him.

  • • •


  “Hey, Karen.” Simone sounded defeated on the other end of the line.

  “No, it’s me.”

  “Linc.” She breathed my name like I was an answer to a prayer. She was definitely the answer to all of mine.

  “Karen let me borrow her phone.” She and Patch were so hot and heavy in the other room where we’d all been watching a movie that I didn’t think my request had even really registered with her. “Ash says you can’t come to the beach tomorrow.”

  “No.” A short pause. “I’m sorry. My dad wants me to help supervise a deep cleaning of the kitchen.”

  “It’s ok,” I reassured. She sounded as disappointed as I was.

  “I guess you could probably use the extra time to do some more surfing.”

  “Sure but I’d rather spend it with you.”

  A longer pause. “Maybe you shouldn’t.”

  “Why the hell not?” I sat up straighter my fingers tightening around the cell.

  “Your competition isn’t far away. I don’t want to be a distraction.”

  “Who the hell said you were a distraction?”

  “Ash,” she whispered.

  “That interfering bastard.” I let out a long breath. I appreciated where he was coming from. I was sure he thought he was helping me, but he and I were still going to have some serious words. “You are not a distraction. You are my inspiration. I want to win first place in Fiji just to make you proud of me.”

  “I am proud of you, Linc.”

  “Really? I’m glad. We’re from different worlds you and me. College is never going to be an option for me. It’s too damn expensive, even if I wanted it. I’ve got my whole future riding on this surfing thing.”

  “You’re phenomenal. I’m sure you’ll succeed.” Her voice lowered. “I’ll be thinking about you the entire time you’re gone. I’ll go to the church and light a candle for you.”

  “Thanks, babe.” So sweet. Every word. Everything she did made me fall further under her spell. “Don’t worry about tomorrow.” My voice deepened reflecting the weight of my feelings. “I’ll be thinking about you all day. And you have your fake date with Ash tomorrow evening. Right?” My cousin had apparently asked her out in front of her father before his shift started. I owed him big for that and for watching out for my girl for me.

  Ash had quickly called in that favor. I was going to front the band at their Deck Bar gig. No way I would have done it otherwise. It was going to seriously cut into my date with Simone. And I had big plans for tomorrow evening. I had a promise to fulfill to her and to myself.

ter Thirty-Six

  * * *


  My parents were both up in my room with me before my ‘date’. Ash had so totally won my father over that he had uncharacteristically extended my curfew until two a.m.

  When he left, my mom remained, a silent presence until the door clicked closed behind him.

  “Are you sure you know what you’re doing?” she asked from her position on the edge of my bed, wine glass in hand sounding surprisingly coherent considering the fact that I knew she was on her second bottle of wine.

  “Sure, Mom.” I smoothed the silky fabric of the short hem of my dress over my thighs and turned around to face her. “Why do you ask?”

  “You just seemed so excited about that other boy and now,” she pursed her full lips and tapped on them with a thoughtful finger, “you seem to have moved on rather quickly. That’s not like you, Simone.”

  “I’m good, Mom.” With Lincoln and what I hoped would happen later tonight. Beyond that I had tons of doubts but those were uncertainties I refused to dwell on.

  “Ok, honey.” She rose and swayed only a little bit when she crossed the room to kiss my cheek. “Have fun. And don’t sacrifice your happiness just to please your father. It’s not worth it.”

  The door clicked closed once more. I let out a breath knowing the words she had spoken were not just for me. I knew she was miserable and drank to escape but I couldn’t fix things for her. All I could do was what I felt was right for me and my own life.

  I grabbed a small clutch. Karen had helped me pack it before she had left. The square foil packet she had added had been accompanied by an admonishment for me to be safe.

  I checked my reflection in the dresser mirror. Hair up for sophistication, lots of soft gardenia scented skin revealed by a daringly low corset style bodice that I’d covered up with a sweater. No way my dad would let me out of the house if he saw what was underneath. I slipped my bare frosty pink tipped toes into my rhinestone flip flops and withdrew a cherry flavored gloss from my clutch. I was just swiping the wand across my lips when the doorbell rang.

  I popped open the door and heard Ash talking to my father downstairs. He looked up when I swept down the stairs making a big entrance as if this were a real date and Ash was my real beau.

  His lips lifted slowly, appreciation and something else flashing in his eyes that passed too quickly for me to read. “You look stunning, Simone,” he told me taking my free hand and pulling me toward him so he could kiss my cheek. “Linc’s going to flip,” he whispered in my ear and my heart summersaulted.

  “You look very handsome,” I said which was the truth. He looked sharp in a pair of khakis and a white button down that set off his platinum hair and accentuated his tan. Fingers tightening on his I turned to my parents. “I’ll be in at two. I promise. You don’t need to wait up for me.”

  Ash led me outside to the porch. He held my hand until we reached the waterfront, much longer than was probably necessary but I didn’t complain. It was a little chilly and I was a bit nervous. I found the contact reassuring even though I knew he wasn’t my biggest fan.

  “I’m sorry about the things I said to you the other day.” Ah, Lincoln must have said something to him.

  “It’s ok, Ash. You’re entitled to your opinion. I’m sure you have Lincoln’s best interest at heart but there’s something you ought to know.” I pulled in a breath for courage. “I love him, Ash. I plan to tell him tonight.” And show him but that was more than Ash needed to know.

  Eyes suddenly bright, he nodded once. It seemed as though he might have already known. “So we’re good?” he asked after a moment in which he seemed deep in thought.

  “We’re good.” I agreed.

  “Then, c’mon, surfer’s girl. Your man’s waiting for you. And he’s driving the rest of us all crazy.”

  When we reached the bar a couple of minutes later, I put my hand on the downstairs newel, glanced up at all the twinkling lights of the club and lost my courage for a moment. No matter what Linc had said I was still nervous and didn’t want to disappoint him.

  “Everything ok?” Ash asked me just as I heard Lincoln’s voice over the sound system doing a sound check. His voice steadied me. This was right. In every way he was right for me.

  “Yeah.” I nodded my head and shook the last of my lingering doubts away. “My flip flop just slipped.” I followed Ash up the stairs falling behind him as he bounded up them two at a time.

  When I reached the top Linc was there waiting to meet me. His gaze swept me head to toe with something beyond just appreciation in his eyes. My heart fluttered in response.

  “You look…” we both said at the same time and then we laughed unashamedly as if neither of us had a single care in the entire world. Maybe just this one night that could be true.

  He swept me into his arms his warm lips pressing into my temple. I heard him inhale. “You smell as good as you look and you look like a goddess.”

  My lips pulled into a wide smile. He touched my nose softly when he leaned back, his clear blue eyes sparkling with joy I was sure reflected my own.

  “If I’m a goddess then you’re a god.” I raised a brow trying to make my tone flippant and keep my expression playful. He looked divine in a faded but form fitting wine stripped button down and cargo shorts that were loosely belted to his narrow hips. “If you insist on putting me up on an unrealistic pedestal, then I’ll put you on a higher one. So don’t go there,” I teased.

  “Already have, gorgeous. And then some. So deal with it.” He tugged my hand. “Come on. I saved you some seats up front. Apparently the place is sold out.” He lowered his voice to a confidential level. “There’s a rumor that Charles Morris, the head of Zenith Productions is stopping by to listen.”

  “You’re kidding.” My eyes widened. “How’d you find that out?”

  “Patch’s dad caught wind of it on his shift. Apparently the guy gets chatty when he’s had a couple of extra strong drinks. He’s been up and down the coast recently scouting for new talent. Soon as Ash found out he threw up…twice.”

  “Oh, no!” I glanced over at Ash. He was seated behind his drum kit, his features waxen. He caught me staring and rolled his eyes.

  “On the stage, loser.” He motioned with his sticks.

  “I gotta go,” Linc said. “But I have special plans for us later.” He softly pressed his firm lips to mine.

  After that kiss my body hummed. After those words my mind buzzed with even more anticipation.

  I was really glad I’d worn my sexiest lingerie.

  • • •


  I watched her as the place filled. I wasn’t really nervous about the singing thing. I was on edge for entirely different reasons. I wanted everything to be perfect. I wanted tonight to be one she would never forget. I wanted to show her that I was the only one for her.

  The sound of her carefree laughter carried over the din loosening the tangle inside my chest. Her pretty eyes glittering she peeled off her sweater and draped it over the back of her chair. I nearly came unglued. She was practically falling out of the tight corset top. How was I going to keep guys away from her with her looking like that?

  I put the mic back in the stand and started toward her.

  “Whoa. Where are you going, man?” Patch pointed to his watch. “Show’s starting in five. That producer guy is here, too. Didn’t you see him come in?”

  “I’ve got bigger issues.” I shook my head and hiked a thumb toward Simone.

  “Yeah, I can see that she does. I mean that you do.” He grinned and slapped me on the back. “It’s gonna be ok. She can handle herself. Look.”

  I turned my gaze back to her. Simone had her arms crossed over her chest giving some dude with a death wish the brushoff. She pointed over at me and he glanced my way. He smartly took the meaning of my ‘get the hell outta here’ stare.

  Simone smiled at me, all white teeth and ‘kiss me’ glossy lips with her inner light on full glow. I beamed
back at her.

  Looking back and forth between the two of us, Patch groaned. “Let’s get the damn show started before I gag.”

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  * * *


  When the club lights dimmed to just the twinkling ones in the rafters and the spots shining on the stage, I reached for Karen’s hand and clasped her fingers tightly. The energy within the packed club crackled like the air in a lightning storm.

  Then Linc wrapped his fingers around the mic and embodied that energy. Song after song it radiated out from him rippling through the restive crowd.

  Wide eyed with wonder I turned to Karen as rabid fans pressed toward the stage after the set, several feminine voices chanting Linc’s name.

  “Did you know he could sing like that?” she asked me.

  I shook my head. “I only heard him the one time at Dominic’s party.” He’d been good then but tonight he seemed to be in his element. He must have been practicing every day with the guys during the week we had been apart. My gaze drifted back to the stage. Linc was signing bar napkins and chatting amiably with some of the patrons but he looked as if his mind were somewhere else as he glanced frequently at me.

  I smiled to let him know that we were ok. It was just nine thirty. I hadn’t told him yet about the extended curfew.

  Karen and I were sipping our third round of diet cokes by the time the crowd finally thinned and a distinguished man with jet hair and piercing blue eyes approached Lincoln saying a few words to him that I couldn’t hear. Afterward he pressed a business card into Linc’s hand and turned away.