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Island Side Page 11
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Page 11
“Condom, Diesel.” She sounded as desperate as I felt. “I’m so wet. So close.”
“Don’t you dare move.” I whipped a foil packet from my board shorts, then yanked them down to roll the rubber on.
Looking at her where she sat on the keys, her hair tangled from my fervor, her feet on the bench, her legs spread so I could see everything, she was so amazingly hot that I almost spilled my load. I’d never seen anything more beautiful.
“Open for me.” Tapping her knee, I moved between her legs, sweeping my palm over her bare pussy and my thumb through her slick folds.
Hollie sucked in a surprised breath when I brought my fingers to my mouth to taste her. While she watched me, I licked my lips, savoring every hint of her salty essence.
“All right, pele. I have what you want.”
She didn’t wait for me to give my cock to her. She reached for it, grasping me by the root. I was so thick and fully extended, her fingers barely wrapped around my girth. Not deterred by my size, she aligned me with her. I grabbed her by the hips and surged inside.
“So good.” She moaned. “You fill me so good.”
I groaned my approval of her tight, wet cunt. I wasn’t big on talking once sex progressed to this point. Letting my cock speak for me, I began to move. She spread her arms wide and grabbed the sides of the piano, bracing her body to take what I gave.
Again and again, I thrust inside her welcome heat. Her tits bounced to the rhythm of my hard fucks. No shallow plunges, just deep and deeper. She clamped tight around me, and my spine tingled at the base.
“Come, babe.” My voice was as harsh as my desire for release. “Let go for me. I’ll give you everything you need.”
“Yes! Oh yes!” She screamed, arching her body as I hammered into her.
Filling my eyes full of the vision of Hollie coming on my cock, I stiffened and filled her full of all of me.
“Bedroom. Now,” Diesel barked like a director on an ego high.
“Wait . . . what?” I stammered with my arms over my breasts, staring at him wide-eyed and dazed. I was still coming down from my orgasm, surprised that his cock remained hard, even though I was still experiencing pulsing aftershocks.
“We’re moving to a bed. I’m far from done, I assure you, or was this a one and done, satisfy your curiosity thing?”
“No.” I shook my head. “But I thought you were a one-time kind of guy.”
“Not where you’re concerned. Not when I’ve been jacking off to thoughts of you for a fucking year.”
He stepped closer. His glossy black curls in tumbled disarray around his heart-arrestingly handsome face, he narrowed his eyes as he peeled my crossed arms away from my chest.
“You’re a goddess who fucks better than any mere mortal woman. I want to watch you and that sexy heart-shaped ass of yours as you walk toward the bedroom. Own your body and your sexuality. You certainly owned me just now, and will undoubtedly again. Was that clear enough for you to understand?”
I nodded, stepped to Diesel, and kissed him hard on the lips. When I turned away to comply with his order, he smacked my ass harder than I’d kissed him. On my way out of the living room, I wore his handprint on my rear end and a smile on my face as I swung my hips for his benefit.
“Nice, pele,” he said low and approvingly from just behind me, and smoothed his hands down and just under the curved part of my ass.
A wave of heat flushed my cheeks and made my clit swell with renewed desire.
“Hurry.” I glanced at him over my shoulder, my lashes lowered, as I turned toward the guest bedroom.
“Not your bed. I want you in mine.” Sliding past me in the narrow hallway, he branded me with the jutted length of his cock. At the entrance to his room, he grabbed my hand and tugged me along with him. “You’re the one who’s too slow.”
Inside his room, he grabbed me by the waist, spun around, and tossed me onto his bed before I could get a good look around. I came up on my elbows to see him stalking toward me with a condom packet in his hand. I noted the full bowl of them on the dresser behind him.
“We should have just enough for tonight.” He raised one brow, making a joke of it.
The reminder of the type of guy he was diminished my previous pleasure. Did he say the types of things he said to me to every woman he . . . fucked?
Diesel paused, a confused look on his face. “What just happened?”
“Bullshit. I know that when a woman says it’s nothing, it’s a big something. Plus, I have eyes. You were glowing a moment ago, and now you look like I pissed on your pineapple.”
“You’re prepared.” I glanced at the condom in his hand.
“I’m always safe.”
“Yes, I’m glad. It’s just that I wondered if you always say . . . if it’s true . . . if it’s just a line . . .”
“Every word I say is just for you.” Looking uncomfortable, though his cock was as hard if not harder than it had been a moment before, he raked a fistful of curls back from his creased brow.
“I’m sorry. It’s nothing. Forget it. I came to you wanting you to fuck me.”
His gaze widened.
“I can cuss,” I said. “Fuck is the most appropriate word.” Replaying his affirming words in my mind, I swept aside concerns that didn’t belong here, leaned back, and slowly splayed one thigh open.
Diesel stared at me, but he didn’t move. Maybe my pose wasn’t as provocative as I thought, or maybe it was just me. My cheeks flushing with embarrassment, I started to close myself off.
“Don’t take your beauty away from me.” He moved straight to me, his hands on my knees keeping me open while he looked deeply into my eyes. “This is whatever you and I say it is. We decide, but it’s more than fucking when two people like each other. When they’re friends. You called me on that technicality earlier, and you were right. I want you. Just you. I don’t bring hookups into my home or my bed. Do you get that?”
Tears filling my eyes, I nodded.
“Can I have my goddess back?” he asked.
I reached for him, drawing him to me, and pressed my lips to his, reveling in Diesel and how much he was giving me. Whatever happened, I vowed to give him as much, if not more, of me in return.
“I love your mouth.” I pulled back from the kiss to trace his sculpted mouth with my fingertips. The emotions he evoked from me feel were unhidden and wet in my eyes. “Your lips are so wide and full, so perfectly shaped, and so wickedly talented. And I love the crescents on either side that wink at me when you smile.”
“I’ll show you how wicked they can be.”
His lips curved up, and I had a moment to press my thumbs into his happiness before he put his hands on my shoulders and pushed me backward into the bed. Moving between my legs, he lowered his head and skimmed warm kisses over my waxed pussy with his perfectly shaped lips.
Warmth bloomed. Heat rose. I grew hotter and wetter with each purposeful press of his lips to my skin. I was aching, dripping with need, when he threw my legs over his shoulders and began feasting on me.
“Come, pele.” His humid whisper of breath was a tease all in itself.
“More, Diesel.”
He gave me more, spreading me wider, circling my throbbing clit achingly slow with his talented tongue. He built my need higher and higher until I was lifting my hips for each lick. Urgently, I fisted my fingers in his hair.
“Oh, Diesel. Yes! Oh yes!” I cried as he gave me the perfect kiss on my clit with just the right amount of suction. The pleasure crested like a wave, lifting me up and carrying me over the edge.
Sheathed, he surged inside me before I went down into the trough on the other side.
“You’re so sexy when you come. Makes me crazy.” Moving his narrow hips, he worked his cock inside me. Shallow light teases, then deep languid plunges. Then he alternated the pattern. Deep and then shallow.
I ran my hands up and down the
taut planes of his muscular back, loving the bunched tension as he plowed his hard shaft deep, and the loosening as he teased me with it.
“You feel so good.” I dug my nails into his ass. “I like your cock. I like when you go deep.”
I lifted my hips into his next thrust, and he made a low sound of pleasure that sent a rush of renewed heat to my core.
“Faster,” I begged. Every inch of me tingled with desire. “Harder.”
And he gave me faster and harder.
My fingers skimmed his smooth perspiration-slicked skin. He dove his hands under my ass and squeezed each globe hard enough to sting each time he drove in deep. And he drove in deep again, and again, and again. His thrusts became wild as he lost control, and I loved it. Loved that he was wild for me.
“So good, Diesel. You’re so good.” I began to shake, my tight nipples raking against his hard chest as my body strained for another release.
“Hollie!” He made my name beautiful and me beautiful.
His magnificent cock impossibly hard, it came for me, and I felt the hot pulses of his release. We flew apart, melded together.
Propped up on an elbow in my bed, I trailed my fingers up over Hollie’s hip, down into the valley of her waist, and then up and across to trace her incredible tits. Her hair had a high-gloss sheen that seemed to make it glow. Her lids were closed over her expressive gray eyes, and her cheeks were slightly flushed. Her nipples preened to temptingly pretty points for me, but she slept on.
Angelic face, siren’s body, goddess attitude. And her heart? Sensitive and caring, it was the most compelling part of her, but also the most elusive.
On her side facing the opposite direction, she’d shifted in her sleep farther away from me. She gave to a point, that position said. She agreed that we would define what we did in this bed. She was guarded, yet giving.
Was that enough?
She’s here, I reminded myself.
She’d stayed in my bed through the night without me having to insist, but even in slumber, she seemed poised to run away.
I had her, yes. But only so much.
The fascination persisted. One night hadn’t done anything to diminish it. On the piano. In my bed. In the shower, before she’d crashed on me. One minute she’d been answering my questions about the release schedule for her films, and then she’d been sound asleep the next.
I had Hollie. She was in my bed. She’d given me one night, but was I satisfied?
Fuck no.
I wanted her again with a ferocity that was undeniable, hard as a rock and leaking precum just from looking at her body and barely caressing her.
She needed her rest. I wouldn’t wake her. But I couldn’t wait for her to open her eyes so I could make love to her again.
My fingers stilled their sifting of a silky strand.
Have sex again, I thought, correcting myself. Dangerous, those other words. Though at one time in my life, courting danger had been my thing.
I’d never backed away from a wave. Never backed away from a challenge. Never been intimidated.
I’d chosen the hottest girl in high school to tame, and had surfed the big waves at Pipe and Mavericks or wherever else in the world I could find them. I’d been prepared as a surfer, knowing that with one bad choice, those monster waves would crush you, break your board, break you in half. It had never happened to me, but I’d seen it happen to others.
Sink or swim, I went under a lot, but I always rose to the surface . . . until a rogue wave had slammed into my life that had taken away everything.
Troubled, I turned away from Hollie to look out my window. The moon was relinquishing its hold. The dawn was coming. The ocean was stormy like the gray gaze of the woman beside me when she was upset. But happy or upset, there was something about her that was as undeniable as the sea.
I was out of my element with her.
It had been over a decade since Lalana and I had called it quits. Well, I’d called it quits. My ex continued to give me a shit-ton of grief. She was a pain in my ass, but she’d given me Kellan, a gift beyond measure. I owed her for that.
Unsettled by the past and unsure about the present, I carefully climbed out of bed. I needed therapy. Mastering the waves helped me organize my thoughts.
Exiting the bedroom, I did what I needed to get ready for the day. Minutes later, I wore a determined frown as I marched to the beach.
Paddling out, I rocked on conflicted currents like my board. The churning ocean seemed to be broadcasting crumbly vibes for the day ahead.
Awaking deliciously relaxed and well-satisfied, I rolled onto my back and stretched my arms wide, expecting to encounter a sexy man in the bed beside me.
His bed.
Finding it empty, I popped open my eyes and sat up. Warmth hit my cheeks, but I didn’t pull up the covers to hide myself. Diesel liked me naked. He didn’t see flaws. He saw strength in the things I saw as weaknesses. He thought I was a goddess, one who breathed fire.
I probably did right now. So, although I wanted to know where he was, I needed to brush my teeth first.
I shifted to throw my legs over the side of the bed he’d slept on. His plumeria-coconut scent made me all hot and tingly again until I caught a glimpse of the framed photo on the nightstand. A family portrait, Diesel with his arm around Lalana.
Immediate cold washed away the heat.
In the picture, there was also an adorable two- or three-year-old little boy with coal-colored curls and sparkling dark brown eyes. A child who was gone now.
How could Diesel keep that photo where it was? Look at it every day? Continue moving on with such an integral part of his life missing?
I reached out as if to soothe the man in the photo but yanked my hand back, noting the woman who stood beside him, the one who seemed to belong there. She was a gorgeous creature with long, glossy black hair and uptilted brown eyes. His wife. His ex-wife, yet she was beside his bed in the photo with his son. Staring at us, or maybe he’d been staring at her while we’d done what we did.
Was that why he’d chosen his room and not the guest bedroom? Surely not, yet hurt blazed inside my chest.
We define what we do together. I remembered what he’d said, but wasn’t a definition like that just another type of frame like I’d had with Max, only one with slightly wider parameters?
The bowl of condoms drew my eye again. I was a fool, a silly fool, to have given so much of me away, asking nothing in return. I’d thought I was in control. The reality was I didn’t know what I was doing.
But I still wanted Diesel. Recognizing the danger and squeezing my eyes shut didn’t remove the longing. It just made me feel it more.
I remembered how he’d looked at me, how his kisses made my body glow, how his touch electrified me, how his cock fit inside me so perfectly, how he seemed to know just what to say to make me feel better and just what to do to give me the most pleasure.
But it was just an illusion. A temporary high fueled by a lot of self-deception.
It was morning now. Time to set aside the fantasy of last night.
I got up, shuffled down the hall to the guest bathroom, and closed the door. After clicking the lock, I turned and my gaze stalled on the sundress I’d carefully folded on the counter the night before. I would have to wear it again today or the bikini Diesel had bought me. Those were my two options, beyond the six-pack of extra underwear I’d picked up at the store.
My limited choices didn’t bother me all that much. It was the fact that I had to wear my own skin and the consequences of the choices I’d made that did.
Sighing, I padded to the porcelain tub that was as retro coral as the guest bedroom color scheme. I cranked on the water and proceeded to bathe and ready myself for the day. Whatever it brought, I had to face it—and him—eventually.
When I was done in the bathroom, my teeth sparkling, body scrubbed, and bikini on, I stepped into the main living space, holding my breath as I glanced
around. Not finding him, I let out my breath.
Where was he?
A flash of movement out the window caught my eye. It was Diesel, already out on the waves.
Of course he was surfing. I told myself not to be hurt that he hadn’t invited me. We weren’t a couple. I’d known it when I approached him at the piano. It was only that somewhere during the night with the kissing and compliments, and me thinking there had been honesty between us, I had lost my way.
I drifted out onto the porch. My feet seemed drawn to him of their own accord, as were my eyes following his movements over the surface of the ocean and the trailing line of foam he left in his wake.
I’m back on track to reality this morning. I know he and I are on separate paths.
Yet I watched him with an ache in my heart and longing in my eyes.
Forcing my gaze away, I noticed the cling-wrapped tray of fruit. Again, he’d left breakfast on the table for me to find.
Hope leaped back into my heart.
Was this a clue to his intentions? A trail to follow like the foam behind his board? Or was I stumbling to another wrong conclusion to think the preparation of a meal showed deeper concern for me than it did?
“What the fucking hell?”
The unexpected feminine screech made me jump. Spinning around, I brought my hand to my throat. My pulse raced as I took in the woman with the long jet-black hair.
I knew who she was. Lalana was older than she’d been in the picture beside Diesel’s bed. She had fine lines around her eyes and mouth that hadn’t been there before, but the passage of time hadn’t diminished her beauty. Stunning, she was statuesque and exotic where I was small and ordinary. I felt washed out in comparison to her, a pretender for her ex-husband’s affection.
“Who are you?” she asked in a raspy voice, her eyes narrowing as she scanned me.
“I’m Hollie. Fanny’s sister.”
Recognition dawned in her expression. It didn’t make me feel better that he’d told her about me. She was in the know, while I was clueless and off-balance around her.